Listen to Tren {Train} This song is inspired by a poem of Sureyyya Evren, a contemporary poet and writer from Turkiye. The
Delirium {Sayıklama} – Inspired by a poem of Necip Fazıl Kısakürek
Listen to the classic music arrangement of “Delirium” (Sayıklama) This song was inspired by the poem “Delirium” {Sayıklama} by Turkish poet Necip
The Wire Walker (Tel Cambazı)
Listen to “The Wire Walker” This song, The Wire Walker (“Tel Cambazı”) was composed by Gurdal Ertek, for the poem by a
Modern Times (Modern Zamanlar)
Listen to “Modern Times” This song, “Modern Times” (“Modern Zamanlar” in Turkish original) is composed with the lyrics coming from a poem
Listen to “Denial” song. An interpretation of the song “Denial”, originally composed for the poem “Ve İnkar” (“And Denial”) by Coşkun Ertepınar.
I Was There, a While Ago – A Song for Expatriates
Listen to the song. Missing one’s home country is a part of expatriate life. It feels just as if it was a
Every Morning – Where do we sail to?
Listen to the song. Every morning, as the sun rises, where do we sail to? This song is inspired by this question,
Let the Rain Pour – Inspired by a Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı Poem
Listen to the song This song is inspired by a poem of Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı, named “Yağmur Yağadursun” (Let the Rain Pour).
Time for a New Departure
Listen to the song A song that I had made in 1998 (wow, it’s been a while!), performed beautifully on the acoustic
A New Beginning
Listen to the song An arrangement of my song “A New Beginning” by Blaine Selkirk with vocals, piano, and much more: A
Whenever You Need Me
Listen to the song A beautiful piano & string arrangement of my song “Whenever You Need Me” by Damian Shima: Whenever You
Epigram – Inspired by a poem of Ozdemir Asaf
Listen to the song This song was originally for one of the epigrams of Ozdemir Asaf. The epigram is only 8 lines
The Flying Carpet – Yet Another Techno Song
Listen to the song This is the song “The Flying Carpet”, arranged and performed by draganili, based on a melody theme that
Elif Elif {Elif Diye} – Inspired by a poem of Karacaoglan
Listen to the song This song by Gurdal Ertek is inspired by a poem of Karacaoglan, one of the most important classical
Hands Up – While Learning the eJay Software
Listen to the song I made this song while I was learning the eJay software. Lots of clapping sound effects in the
Delirium {Sayıklama} – Inspired by a poem of Necip Fazıl Kısakürek
Listen to the guitar arrangement This song was inspired by the poem “Delirium” {Sayıklama} by Turkish poet Necip Fazıl Kısakürek. Here is