The Wire Walker (Tel Cambazı)

Listen to “The Wire Walker”

This song, The Wire Walker (“Tel Cambazı”) was composed by Gurdal Ertek, for the poem by a well-known Turkish poet, Turgut Uyar. The poet describes this poem as “the poem that describes the situation of the wire walker on wire”. The wire walker repeatedly says “do not disturb my balance”.

Turns out, the same poem “Denge” was also composed by Aykut Gürel, one of the best composers of last few decades, and sung by Sezen Aksu, one of the most famous Turkish stars of all times.

Special thanks to Oncea Viorel for this beautiful elegant arrangement.

Listen to “The Wire Walker”

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Modern Times (Modern Zamanlar)

Listen to “Modern Times”

This song, “Modern Times” (“Modern Zamanlar” in Turkish original) is composed with the lyrics coming from a poem of a young Turkish poet and the famous Charlie Chaplin movie, both with the same name (former in Turkish language, latter in English). This is also the name of the music band that Gurdal played with during his College years.

The song, with unexpected changes of mood, tonality, and notes, is reflective of the human psyche in modern times: Constant change, instability, dissonance, and lack of coherence, where life is not a unity, but instead a mash of broken tiles filled in to a dark space.

Special thanks to Oncea Viorel for this beautiful elegant arrangement.

Listen to “Modern Times”

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I Was There, a While Ago – A Song for Expatriates

Listen to the song.

Missing one’s home country is a part of expatriate life.

It feels just as if it was a while ago being in home country, where one experiences the small little unique life moments.

This song was originally composed to a poem by a Turkish expatriate in the US, who left everything behind and moved to a new life.

The arrangement and performance of the song is by ElliotKempton.

Listen to the song.




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Epigram – Inspired by a poem of Ozdemir Asaf

Listen to the song

This song was originally for one of the epigrams of Ozdemir Asaf. The epigram is only 8 lines long. Here, you will listen to the piano & string arrangement by mellownightz:

Epigram – Piano & Strings Arrangement

Here is the music sheet for this song.

And here is a (rough) translation of the epigram:


Man of fish in the sea

Man of bird in the air

What a ride, where is the going

Dream man, invention man

Has it been forgotten

Humanly, but simple

Living, loving

What a ride, man

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