In this paper, a taxonomy of supply chain and logistics innovations was developed and presented. The taxonomy was based on an extensive literature survey of both theoretical research and case studies. The primary goals are to provide guidelines for choosing the most appropriate innovations for a company and helping companies in positioning themselves in the supply chain innovations landscape. To this end, the three dimensions of supply chain innovations, namely the goals, supply chain attributes, and innovation attributes were identified and classified. The taxonomy allows for the efficient representation of critical supply chain innovations information, and serves the mentioned goals, which are fundamental to companies in a multitude of industries.
Başar, A., Özsamlı, N., A. E. Akçay, G. Kahvecioğlu, Ertek., G. (2011). “A taxonomy of supply chain innovations”. African Journal of Business Management. 5(30), pp. 11968-11977, 30 November, 2011.
Note: This is the final draft version of this paper. Please cite this paper (or this final draft) as above.
A taxonomy of supply chain innovations
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