About Us

Dawei Lu is an Associate Professor and the Course Leader for supply chain and logistics management course at WMG, University of Warwick, UK. He received his PhD from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1987, and later an MBA from Birmingham University. Dr Lu was a recipient of a number of prestigious fellowships including British Council Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Rockwell Research Fellowship, and RAE (Royal Academy of Engineering) Industrial Secondment Award. As a Course Leader and a Module leader, Dr Lu delivers his teaching modules across 6 different countries internationally over the last 20 years. His course and module are one of the most popular ones in WMG with over 200 master level student intake every year. He has been invited to give keynote speeches, seminars, lectures in the UK, Singapore, China, India, Malaysia and Thailand.


Sobhan (Sean) Asian is a Senior Lecturer at La Trobe Business School. Dr. Asian received his Ph.D. from School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Nanyang Technological University in 2014. His research was fully supported by a scholarship award from the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star). After finishing his Ph.D., Sobhan worked as a Systems Consultant in Dematic S.E.A, which is a leading global Intralogistics Automation company. Between 2016-2018, Sobhan served at RMIT, Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Asian’s research interests include supply chain risk management, business analytics, and operations management.



GurdalErtek is an Associate Professor at Abu Dhabi University‘s College of Business, in UAE. He received his Ph.D. from School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, in 2001. His research areas include data visualization and mining, as well as warehousing and supply chain management.





Mete Sevinc is a Data Scientist at Cognizant, Amsterdam, Netherlands. He is a data science / machine learning / decision making enthusiast with a passion for data interpretation, and an academical background as a PhD researcher & an instructor in Industrial Engineering. Mete Sevinc carries many years of know-how on statistical (Traditional & Bayesian) inference, programming languages, operations management methods, marketing analytics, information visualization and business intelligence tools. Wquipped with international experience in various industries, he has taken roles in several global research institutions, companies and start-ups.